Get a Grant!
Empty Bowls Monongalia is dedicated to helping fight hunger throughout Monongalia County. We provide annual grants to local food pantries, meal programs, and weekend backpack programs. Any organization in Monongalia County maintaining a food pantry, meal program, or weekend backpack program to provide food to hungry people in Monongalia County is eligible to make application for funding. Awards are limited to programs located within Monongalia County benefiting Monongalia County residents. Empty Bowls awards may be used for food only.
Applications are available in March of each year. Award letters are generally mailed in late April. Checks are presented to agencies for the next fiscal year at the check presentation ceremony held in mid-June. The Empty Bowls Agency Liaison Committee reviews all applications received and scores each application. Applications are divided into three categories: Food Pantries, Meal Programs, and Weekend Backpack Programs. Emergency Funding Applications may be submitted outside of regular submission window and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
All decisions for recommendations for awards are based upon review and consensus of the Agency Liaison Committee. Committee recommendations are presented to the Empty Bowls Board of Directors for final approval.
If you have questions regarding eligibility or if you wish to request an application for funding, please contact us at emptybowlsmon@gmail.com.