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Meal Programs in Monongalia County

Empty Bowls Monongalia distributed $105,000 to the following meal programs, food pantries, and backpack feeding programs in July, 2024.

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First Presbyterian Church


456 Spruce St.


In this downtown church, a pancake, eggs, and sausage breakfast is served every Sunday morning free to the community by volunteer teams from the church membership.

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Meals on Wheels


3375 University Ave.


Estimated meals served annually 22,165.
From a kitchen located in Star City, teams of volunteer drivers deliver a noon meal to home-bound elderly and disabled people in various areas of the county.

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Community Kitchen

247 Wiley St.


Estimated meals served

annually 18,500.

Based in the Episcopal Church basement in downtown Morgantown, this community soup kitchen provides lunch free to the community on weekdays.

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Salvation Army Meal Program


1224 University Ave


Estimated meals served annually 38,000.
Serves an evening meal daily Monday through Friday.


Rape & Domestic Violence Information Center


Estimated meals served annually 1,500.
Three meals a day, seven days a week are served to the client and her family.

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Sarah's Table


1481 University Ave


. Estimated meals served annually 1,965.
The Catholic Churches of the Morgantown community provide a free mid-day meal for the community on each Sunday. It is served at St. John University Parish by teams of volunteers.

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The Shack Neighborhood House Family Meals Initiative


537 Bllue Horizon Dr

Pursglove WV

Estimated meals served 2,400
The Family Meals Initiative is a twice monthly program in which 20 families from The Shack’s after school program are given all the ingredients necessary to make a wholesome meal together. The goal of the program is to encourage families to cook and eat together, talk to each other which supports a range of positive development indicators for children, and to enjoy a healthy meal together. Each meal will include fresh produce, a complete protein, and a starch.

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