Empty Bowls Monongalia Awards $105,000 to 25 Local Agencies
Congratulations to this year's grantees! Empty Bowls Monongalia awarded $105,000 to 25 nonprofits working to alleviate food insecurity and hunger in Monongalia County! We thank each of them for their commitment to our community and are honored to partner with them in their efforts.

Part of the Empty Bowls mission is to increase public awareness of hunger issues, because many do not know how pervasive hunger is in this county. Feeding America statistics report if would take over 5 million dollars annually to meet the needs of the hungry in Monongalia County.
Empty Bowls board members are available to speak to groups throughout the county to tell the story about hunger concerns and the needs of county food pantries and meal programs. Additionally, we encourage students of all ages to participate in Empty Bowls service programs by making and decorating bowls for our luncheon, creating posters for display, and volunteering at the day of the event.

Our Mission
Through education and continued community involvement, Empty Bowls Monongalia will provide resources and broker assistance to Monongalia County agencies supporting individuals and families threatened by food insecurity.